Quick Start Guide
This page will assist ONESOURCE International Tax Calculator users as a preparer or reviewer get started quickly with implementing the software independently.
International Tax Calculator is an easy-to-use software related to US outbound calculations. The guidance below presents basic materials walking you through on how the software works at a high level summary and helping you get prepared for advanced training which includes Prepaer Know-How and Reviewer Know-How.
Now please follow the step-by-step instructions below. We understand you may have questions during this exercise. Don't worry, answers will be disclosed shortly.
Basic Training
Please follow the slide above (or the PDF download) to get yourself started with International Tax Calculator using the GX4 Sample Data
GX4 Video Recap
Basic Charting
Create Project File
Create Calculation Slide
Charting Entity Chart
Create the initial Scenario
Load Foreign Data
Load FX Rates
Load Trial Balance
Load Entity & Account Mapping
Load E&P Pools
Load Other Items
Load Remittances
More videos via ITC Help Site in the International Tax Calculator System